Notes For Baby Feeding

Notes For Baby Feeding

What is a good newborn feeding schedule?

Every baby is different, and this is also true when it comes to how often you should feed your newborn. As a very rough guide, your baby will need to be fed at least 8-12 times every 24 hours in the first few weeks, but experts recommend feeding your baby “on demand” rather than trying to get them to eat a set amount of meals each day.

This means learning to recognize your baby’s hunger cues, such as:

Sucking on fists or fingers
Searching for the breast (turning head and opening mouth).

It’s best to start feeding your newborn as soon as you notice these early signs, as feeding becomes more difficult once your baby starts crying.

If your baby is getting his nutrition from formula, it’s still recommended that you watch for hunger cues and feed on demand. Your newborn will probably eat small, frequent meals. If your little one doesn’t finish a bottle, that’s OK—just make sure you have a fresh bottle of formula ready for the next feeding.
Keep in Mind

If you are breastfeeding, make sure your baby is able to latch on properly. This may be difficult at first, especially for first-time mums, but over time your baby may start to latch on comfortably.

If you are having difficulty latching on properly, especially if you have sore nipples or breast pain, ask your midwife or health visitor for advice.

Your baby may feed more frequently during periods of rapid growth, especially in the first 3 to 4 months. This is sometimes called cluster feeding.

Alternate breasts at each feeding.

Look for signs that your baby is full, such as turning away from the breast, letting the bottle drop from his mouth, feeding more slowly or losing interest. Stop feeding once your baby seems full.

If you are breastfeeding, your midwife, doctor or health visitor may recommend adding a vitamin D supplement to you and your baby’s diet.

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Post time: Jul-29-2024