Which diapers is most suitable fro babies

Disposable baby diaper

The core key technology of diaposable baby diapers is the “core”. The core absorption layer is composed of fluff pulp and water-absorbing crystals (SAP, also called polymers). Fluff pulp is made from trees and is derived from natural materials, while SAP polymers are made from petroleum extracts and are petrochemical materials.
The water-absorbing crystals expand into soft gel-like substances after absorbing a large amount of water quickly. The fluff pulp uses its fibers to build a three-dimensional internal space for the diaper. It plays an important role in balancing water absorption during the entire process of absorbing and locking water. It can ensure that the water is not completely absorbed by local water-absorbing crystals in an instant, causing bulging of the diaper, but gradually transitions to the entire diaper to ensure balanced water absorption.

1.Are diapers really better the thinner they are?
Many mothers equate thinness with breathability, and blindly pursue thin diapers, and naturally thinking that the thinner baby diaper is the better. Let me ask, the plastic belt is very thin, but is it breathable?

high quality baby diaper

In fact, the key to whether high quality baby diapers are breathable or not is not the thickness, but whether the surface material and the material used in the absorbent layer are breathable. It takes about 5g of fluff pulp to absorb 1g of water-absorbing crystals. Therefore, in order to make high quality baby diapers thinner, in addition to reducing the total amount of absorbent layer materials, it is necessary to increase the proportion of water-absorbing crystals and reduce the proportion of fluff pulp, that is, to reduce the proportion of pure natural materials. The breathability of water-absorbing crystals is far inferior to that of fluff pulp.

2.Are diapers better the drier they are?
Good absorbency baby diapers must keep the baby’s skin moist, which is similar to the state when we just wiped it with a towel after washing our hands, and it feels a bit Q. Diapers that are too wet can cause rashes, while those that are too dry can easily cause skin itching and allergies (some diapers are too dry and have to add moisturizer ingredients to relieve them to reduce the occurrence of allergies).
We mentioned above that water-absorbing crystals have a water absorption capacity far exceeding their own volume. During long-term use, unsaturated water-absorbing crystals can also absorb trace amounts of moisture from the skin. When there is enough villi pulp around it to accumulate sufficient moisture, the water-absorbing crystals can continue to absorb moisture from the villi pulp.

Therefore, a sufficient proportion of villi pulp can protect the normal moisture of the baby’s skin without causing excessive dryness.
Good absorbency baby diapers

3.Are diapers better the flatter they are?
The little baby never stops for a moment, either rolling around or kicking his legs. After taking off the diaper, wow, it’s so flat! But… is this really good?
Fluff pulp fibers build the internal space of the diaper, and the water-absorbing crystals become particles after absorbing water and swelling. What can keep these materials motionless? Smart mothers think about it, why can the diaper be so flat after the baby’s large amount of activity? Have any careful mothers taken apart and looked at the diapers used by their babies?

This is because chemical ingredients are added to the diapers to “glue” the materials inside the diapers, so no matter how the baby moves, the used diapers are still flat. Although such diapers look very thin, they are not breathable. Many merchants actually sell them at a discount because of this advantage.

The ratio of fluff pulp and water-absorbing crystals in the core absorption layer of diapers is a very scientific value that requires precise calculation. High-end diaper brands also need to consider it from the perspective of dermatology and undergo skin pathology testing. Therefore, for diapers, the most important thing is not simply dryness and flatness or blind pursuit of thinness, but the ratio of fluff pulp and water-absorbing crystals in the core absorption layer.

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Post time: Sep-20-2024