Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your baby.
Nothing changes your body and your life more than becoming a mother. Let's rejoice in the miracle of childbirth, and what your body accomplished.
It is not easy to carry a baby for nine months and then go through the birthing process! You earned every single inch and mark. So, celebrate that instead of fretting about what the mirror or scales say.
All new mommies, you assume that once a baby is born you can eat whatever you want. Well, you might be surprised, but nutrient needs are actually higher when you are breastfeeding your baby.
So the catch here is that nutritious food is the key to nourishing your healing body, recovering properly, and increasing your energy levels.
Let's dig into the healing postpartum diet!
Pregnancy and childbirth already took a major toll on your body, so the best type of diet in the postpartum period is one that is varied and has adequate amounts of all three macronutrients – carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
*Try to eat a balanced diet of fruit, vegetables, grains, protein foods and dairy products each day.
*Your body needs a lot of fluid (about 6-10 glasses a day) especially if you are breastfeeding your baby. Drink water, milk, and fruit juice in sufficient quantities.
*Collagen is a protein in the body that makes up joint-supporting connective tissues, is responsible for skin elasticity, supports tissue repair and rebuilding… a much-needed protein at this stage!
*Soda pop, cookies, donuts, potato chips and french fries are okay sometimes, but don't let them take the place of healthy foods!
*Appropriate supplements such as prenatal vitamins may help you maintain the daily intake requirements for certain nutrients.
Dear mommies, you can do anything but not everything! So don't be harsh on yourself, and before you make any significant tweaks to your current diet, take some time to just enjoy the gift of being a new mom.
Allow room for recovery. Be kind to yourself. Move your body when it feels right. Rest when you need to.
You might think that in order to lose weight fast, you have to lower your carb intake, become vegan, do intermittent fasting, or put your body into a state of ketosis. The good news is… you don't have to do any of these!
The key to everything is to be patient, eat well-rounded meals, and give yourself time. It's important as a new mother to just take small steps forward, because after birth, what your body needs most is kindness, love, and rest.
Adjusting to life with a baby can be chaotic, and it can be easy to let things fall by the wayside. No matter how prepared you feel, it's perfectly normal for things to surprise you.
Post time: May-24-2022